Fox Valley Rocketeers Upcoming Events

Next Meeting: Monday, March 3, 2025, 7:30 PM; members receive emailed instructions for how to join the meeting online via Google Meet.

Upcoming Events: Saturday, February 15, 9:00-4:00, Elkhorn Maker Faire, Elkhorn, WI; Tickets are free if you register before February 10.,Tickets

Saturday, March 15, 9:00-5:00, Northern Illinois Rocketry Conference (NIRCON) 2025. Woodstock North High School, Room D187.  Online pre-registration (not required) here.

Upcoming Launches: 

  • Sunday, March 23, 2025, 12:00 pm – 4:30 PM, Hughes Seed Farm, Woodstock, IL; 
  • Saturday, March 29, 2025, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, Kishwaukee Park, Woodstock, IL

June 30 Launch Report – Mark Bundick

Boy, was it ever HOT! Four flyers managed 17 flights before we were out of energy (and had unfortunately lost a lot of competition rockets).  Bob Zurek moved up to 4th place nationally in Parachute Duration, and Mark Bundick landed in 6th in Streamer Duration.  Good luck to all the FVR competitors at NARAM-60 next month!

June 23 Launch Report – Mark Bundick

Perfect flying conditions greeted 4 flyers, light winds and blue skies.  We posted 21 flights, and Mark Bundick and Ed Chess continued their contest flights.  Ed posted a 1/2A Boost Glide flight of over 4 minutes and now ranks #1 on the NAR’s National Scoreboard in the event.  Congrats to Ed!

Ed Chess Parachute Duration Model
Ed Chess prepares to fly Parachute Duration and is obviously having fun!

Jon Snyder and grandson Jet Blanco's Little Joe II
Jon Snyder and grandson Jet Blanco’s Little Joe II had a great flight on an E30-4

Phil Nubel's Levithan
Phil Nubel’s Levithan was scratch built from plans. He had a perfect flight.

Additional Kishwaukee Park Launches June 23 and June 30

Some of us who are participating in the new NAR NRC National Competition are trying to get in more qualification flights.

We have scheduled use of our Kishwaukee Park launch site on Davis Road, Woodstock for Saturday, June 23 and June 30, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

We will NOT have club launch equipment available at these two launches, but if you have your own launch equipment and want to fly, please feel free to come out and join us as we prepare for NARAM-60.